Wireshark capture localhost traffic
Wireshark capture localhost traffic

wireshark capture localhost traffic wireshark capture localhost traffic

XXX - Add a simple example capture file to the SampleCaptures page and link from here (see below). (XXX add links to preference settings affecting how Tor is dissected). Also add info of additional Wireshark features where appropriate, like special statistics of this protocol. The Tor dissector is (fully functional, partially functional, not existing, … whatever the current state is). Tor commonly uses ports 90 for network traffic and directory information.

wireshark capture localhost traffic

The well known TLS port for Tor traffic is 443. TCP: Typically, Tor uses TLS over TCP as its transport protocol.XXX - add a brief description of Tor history Protocol dependencies Traffic flowing down the circuit is sent in fixed-size `cells*, which are unwrapped by a symmetric key at each node (like the layers of an onion) and relayed downstream. Clients choose a path through the network and build a ` circuit*, in which each node (or onion router* or OR*) in the path knows its predecessor and successor, but no other nodes in the circuit. Tor is a distributed overlay network designed to anonymize low-latency TCP-based applications such as web browsing, secure shell, and instant messaging.

Wireshark capture localhost traffic